Monday, April 25, 2011

Where are we?

"For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms." Ephesians 6:12

Imagine with me for a moment that someone walks in your front door, through your living room and picks up your television and walks out. Then they return and grab your computer and leave again. Meanwhile you sit on your couch watching them. You don't protest. You don't try to stop them. You just sit there and watch. Once they are gone you say to yourself, "This sucks. My stuff is gone."

I doubt if someone came in your house univited and tried to take your stuff, you would sit by idly and accept it. So why then, do we pretend as Christians, that the enemy is not trying to take from us? Why do we wonder where our joy and peace went? Why do we wonder where the fruit of spirit went? Or worst, why do we accept it as gone?

"The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full." John 10:10

If we're not having life to the full then something has been stolen from us. If you don't have peace and joy, there has been a theif in your midst. Maybe you didn't recognize him. Maybe you thought it was just circumstances or emotions. Maybe you were duped into handing it over freely, believing it was natural consequences to a mistake. Maybe you forgot who you are.

If Christ came to give us abundant life then it has been given. Sometimes we assume he just meant heaven. We sit by idly accepting assualt because we think it is part of this world. Don't get me wrong. Jesus said we will have trouble in this world. Things will happen that threaten to steal our joy and peace, but he has overcome the world. He said he has given us life abundantly. He said we have his spirit. We are his. We have a restored relationship. So if he is what satisfies and we have him already, how can it be that abundant life waits for us in heaven and not now?

Why are we warned of the enemy and given the armor of God if we are not intended to use it? We are in a battle. How many fights have you seen where one side takes all the hits and the other side just limps on and does not defend or strike back? We're meant to fight back. We've been armed. We've been instructed. Don't just stand there. Don't delay. Don't say to yourself "This might be an attack, but I'm in the middle of something, so I'll pray later." That is not how battles are won.

We are more than conquerors. (Romans 8:37) We need to recognize our role here. We are meant to intervene. We've been equipped to stop the enemy, not just for ourselves, but for others. We aren't here to live our lives until we get our entry ticket into heaven stamped.

If you are bored, confused, complacent, worried, or fearful, then you have forgotten who you are and what is already yours. It is time to take it back.